When World Drowns



1620s, from French accolade "an embrace, a kiss" (16c.), from Provençal acolada or Italian accollata, ultimately from noun use of a fem. past participle of Vulgar Latin accollare "to embrace around the neck," from Latin ad "to" (see ad-) + collum "neck" (see collar (n.)), from PIE root kwel- (1) "revolve, move round."

The original sense is of an embrace about the neck then the tapping of a sword on the shoulders to confer knighthood. Extended meaning "praise, award" is from 1852. Also see -ade. The earlier form of the word in English was accoll(mid-14c.), from Old French acolee "an embrace, kiss, especially that given to a new-made knight," a noun use of the past participle of the verb acoler. The French noun in the 16c. was altered to accolade, with the foreign suffix, and English followed suit.

在中世纪,"accolade" 是指封爵仪式中的一部分,新骑士会受到现有骑士的轻拍(通常是用剑的平面部分拍击受封骑士的肩膀)。这个轻拍的动作,和原始的“拥抱”的意思,共同塑造了现在 "accolade" 的含义,表示一个特别的荣誉或赞扬。


accolade 就源自这种册封仪式,它来自拉丁语 accollare ,意思是“ embrace around the neck ”(拥抱脖子),由 ad ( to )+ collum ( neck )构成。英语单词 collar (领口)就来自拉丁语 collum 。


从字面上的“拥抱”到骑士的封爵仪式,"accolade" 的含义逐渐演变为代表各种形式的赞扬或荣誉。