When World Drowns




early 13c., "subordinate place of worship added to or forming part of a large church or cathedral, separately dedicated and devoted to special services," from Old French chapele (12c., Modern French chapelle), from Medieval Latin capellacappella "chapel, sanctuary for relics," literally "little cape," diminutive of Late Latin cappa "cape" (see cap(n.)). By tradition, the name is originally in reference to the sanctuary in France in which the miraculous cape of St. Martin of Tours, patron saint of France, was preserved. (While serving Rome as a soldier deployed in Gaul, Martin cut his military coat in half to share it with a ragged beggar. That night, Martin dreamed Christ wearing the half-cloak; the half Martin kept was the relic.) The other theory is that it comes from Medieval Latin capella in a literal sense of "canopy, hood" and is a reference to the "covering" of the altar when Mass is said. The word spread to most European languages (German Kapelle, Italian cappella, etc.). In English from 17c. it was used also of places of worship other than those of the established church.

公元4世纪法国图尔( Tours)有一位主教名叫圣马丁(St. Martin, 316? -397?)。他创建了法国最早的几所隐修院,是西方教会隐修制度的倡导人,法国的罗马天主教徒把他尊奉为法兰西主保圣人(patron saint)。为了纪念他基督教的日历将11月11日定为圣马丁节(Martinmas)。




在欧洲,每年的11月11日是“圣马丁节”( St. Martin's Day ),以此纪念圣徒马丁。在圣马丁节那天,人们会吃烧鹅,化装上街游行,并唱有关圣马丁的歌。烧鹅是圣马丁的传统菜。


“披风”在后期拉丁语(Late Latin)作cappella,因此收藏该圣物的“圣所”或“圣堂”人们也以cappella称之。该拉丁词借入法语时作chapele,13世纪进入英语,作chapel,转指“(学校、医院等的)小教堂”或“附属教堂”。圣马丁披风的保管人拉丁语叫 cappellanus,法语作chapelain,英语也借用了该词,作chaplain,用以指chapel里的牧师,即“附属教堂牧师”。

chapel除用于以上词义外,尚有一义,即“印刷所”或“印刷职工会”,该职工会的主席被称作father of the chapel,这一点常使人大惑不解。chapel的两种用法之间到底有无联系呢?英语最早的印刷所往往设在大教堂的附属礼拜堂即chapel内。英国印刷之父卡克斯顿(William Caxton.1422? - 1491)于1476年创办的英国第一家印刷所便是设在威斯敏斯特教堂附近的小教堂内的。此一事实为chapel词义的延伸提供了一种可能的解释。