When World Drowns



1540s, from Middle French robuste (14c.) and directly from Latin robustus "strong and hardy," literally "as strong as oak," originally "oaken," from robur, robus "hard timber, strength," also "a special kind of oak," named for its reddish heartwood, from Latin ruber "red" (related to robigo "rust"), from PIE root *reudh- "red, ruddy." Related: Robustly; robustness. Robustious (1540s) was a common form in 17c. (see "Hamlet" iii.2); it fell from use by mid-18c., but was somewhat revived by mid-19c. antiquarian writers.

古代罗马人发现一种颜色发红的橡木质地特别坚硬,因此广泛使用这种橡木作为建筑材料。这种橡木在拉丁语中称为 rubus ,来自 ruber ( red ,红色)。

rubus 的形容词是 robustus ,本意是“ rubus 做的”。由于 rubus 特别坚硬,因此 robustus 也就衍生出“坚硬、强壮,像橡树一样”的意思。

Robust 源于 robustus 。