When World Drowns



Also sceptic, 1580s, "member of an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge," from Middle French sceptique and directly from Latin scepticus "the sect of the Skeptics," from Greek skeptikos (plural Skeptikoi "the Skeptics, followers of Pyrrho"), noun use of adjective meaning "inquiring, reflective" (the name taken by the disciples of the Greek philosopher Pyrrho, who lived c. 360-c. 270 B.C.E.), related to skeptesthai "to reflect, look, view" (from PIE root *spek- "to observe").

BC200,在古希腊的一名哲学家皮洛( Pyrrho )开创了一门新的哲学学派。皮洛主张人的感知是不可靠的,人们无法据此获得真理。因此, 他主张超然物外,对一切事物都保持淡定,不要轻易做出判断。 他的口号是:“不做任何决定,悬搁判断。”


皮洛的门徒们自称为 Skeptikoi ,该词来自希腊语 skeptesthai (察看、深思),词根 skep = scop 、 spec (察看)。因此 Skeptikoi 可以理解为“仔细察看的人。”英语单词 skeptic (怀疑论者)就来源于此,用来表示对事物保持质疑态度的人,尤其是对宗教信仰持有质疑态度的人。