When World Drowns



Our word spirit is based on Latin spiritus ‘breath or spirit’, from spirare ‘to breathe’—the ancient Romans believed that the human soul had been ‘breathed’ into the body—the image is the same as ‘the breath of life’. The sense ‘strong distilled alcoholic drink’ comes from the use in alchemy of spirit to mean ‘a liquid essence extracted from some substance’. People sometimes say the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak when they have good intentions but yield to temptation and fail to live up to them. The source is the New Testament, where Jesus uses the phrase after finding his disciples asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane despite telling them that they should stay awake.

Spirare forms the basis of numerous English words including aspire (mid 16th century) from adspirare ‘to breath upon, seek to reach’; conspire (Late Middle English) from conspirare ‘to breath together, agree’; expire(late 16th century) ‘to breath out’; inspire (Late Middle English) ‘breath into’ from the idea that a divine or outside power has inspired you; and perspire (mid 17th century) ‘to breath through’; and transpire (Late Middle English) ‘breath across. In English spirit was shortened to sprite (Middle English) which in turn developed sprightly (late 16th century).

"spirit" 这个词的词源与"呼吸"和"生命气息"有关,并可以追溯到拉丁语。

  1. 拉丁语:"spirit" 源于拉丁词 "spiritus",意为“呼吸”或“呼吸的气息”。"spiritus" 是从动词 "spirare" 派生出来的,意思是“吹”或“呼吸”。
  2. 古法语和中古英语:从拉丁语进入罗曼语族的诸多语言后,"spiritus" 形态和发音都经历了一些变化。在古法语中,它变为了 "esprit"。随后,这个词汇通过中古英语进入了英语,被称为 "spirit".
  3. 英语:在英语中,"spirit" 的意义经过了多次扩展和深化。除了原始的“呼吸”或“生命的气息”之意外,它还被用来指代人的灵魂、鬼魂、天使或其他超自然的实体。此外,它还可以表示某种特定的情感、情绪或态度,如 "spirit of cooperation"(合作精神);或者某种酒精饮料,尤其是那些通过蒸馏得到的,如 "spirits" 通常指的是烈性酒。

总的来说,"spirit" 的词源揭示了它从描述物质生命的呼吸转变为描述非物质生命和超自然存在的过程。