When World Drowns



c.1653, from hand in cap, a game whereby two bettors would engage a neutral umpire to determine the odds in an unequal contest. The bettors would put their hands holding forfeit money into a hat or cap. The umpire would announce the odds and the bettors would withdraw their hands -- hands full meaning that they accepted the odds and the bet was on, hands empty meaning they did not accept the bet and were willing to forfeit the money. If one forfeited, then the money went to the other. If both agreed on either forfeiting or going ahead with the wager, then the umpire kept the money as payment. The custom, though not the name, is attested from 14c. Reference to horse racing is 1754 (Handy-Cap Match), where the umpire decrees the superior horse should carry extra weight as a "handicap;" this led to sense of "encumbrance, disability" first recorded 1890. The verb sense of "equalize chances of competitors" is first recorded 1852, but is implied in the horse-race sense. Meaning "put at a disadvantage" is 1864. The main modern sense, "disability," is the last to develop; handicapped(adj.) is 1915.

赌博时需要解决的一种重要问题是保障公平性,使各方获胜的概率大致相同。例如,拿球赛进行赌博时,如果强弱分明,赌弱队赢的人会吃亏,这时就需要调整两支球队的赔率,提高弱队的赔率,降低强队的赔率,这样才能实现公平,吸引人们参与赌博。那么,由谁来决定赔率呢?以前是由中立的第三方仲裁来决定赔率,决定的方式叫做 hand in cap 。参与赌博的双方都拿出一定的担保金,抓在手中。然后双方都把手放到帽子里。第三方仲裁宣布双方的赔率后,参赌双方将手从帽子里拿出来。如果接受这个赔率则将手摊开,如果不接受赔率则以握拳表示。如果双方都接受赔率,则可以开始赌博,仲裁取走帽子里的担保金作为酬金。如果双方都不接受赔率,则赌博取消,仲裁也可取走帽子里的担保金,但自己的声望受损,以后就很难再被人邀请来充任仲裁了。如果一方接受另一方不接受,则赌博取消,接受赔率的一方取走帽子里的担保金,仲裁因为没能完成任务而空手而归。 🦄

英语单词 handicap 就来自 hand in cap ,指的是赌博或比赛时为了实现公平性而进行的各种调整和设置。除了设置赔率外,最常用的方式是给优势方设置障碍或不利条件,如在赛马比赛中,给优势赛马增加负重。因此, handicap 还可以表示“障碍、不利条件”。

在20世纪中期,常用 handicapped 代替 disabled ,用来委婉地表示“身体残疾的”。这种表示的确够委婉的,不是说你“残疾、无能”,而是说你太优秀了,老天为了让其他人能与你公平竞争才给你设置了一些不利条件。



  1. 标签化:使用“handicapped”这样的标签可能会导致过度简化或刻板化个体的认知,使人们首先看到的是他们的障碍,而不是他们作为一个完整的人。

  2. 语言的演变:随着社会对残疾人权益的认识和尊重的增加,语言也在不断演变。现在,更倾向于使用“person with a disability”(有残疾的人)这样的人为中心的表达方式,因为这样的说法强调的是人,而不是他们的障碍。

  3. 社会观念的变化:在过去,有残疾的人可能被视为需要同情或帮助的对象。但现在,社会更加强调残疾人的能力、权利和独立性。
