When World Drowns
Hindsight Bias 后见之明

Hindsight Bias 后见之明

⚡️ The Social Animal

it’s also likely that you are acting on the hindsight bias, which refers to our tendency to overestimate our powers of prediction once we know the outcome of a given event. (Location 254) Numerous studies have demonstrated this bias, from predicting the outcomes of elections (“I always knew he’d win, even if the polls didn’t say so”) to predicting how a given social psychology experiment will turn out (“Oh, please, it was obvious the participants would obey those cruel instructions”). (Location 256) #🦄

后见之明(Hindsight Bias),又称事后聪明,是指人们在事件发生之后,往往会认为自己能够预见到该事件的结果,即使在事件发生之前,他们并没有确凿的证据或信心能够预测其结果。这种心理倾向让人们高估自己在预测未来事件时的能力,从而忽视了实际的未知因素和不确定性。

后见之明的一个常见例子是,当某个事件发生后,人们常常会说“ 我早就知道会这样”。这种现象广泛存在于各种情境中,例如体育比赛、政治选举、股市波动等。后见之明不仅会影响个人对自身决策能力的评估,还可能导致人们对他人的决策产生不公正的批评。

理解后见之明的机制有助于我们更客观地评估过去的事件和决策,从而避免在未来做出过于自信或偏颇的判断。 GPT4o

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