When World Drowns
the Primrose Path

the Primrose Path

🎴 with allusion to Shakespeare's Hamlet Ⅰ. iii. 50

🫧 莎翁真的是一己之力大型扩展英文词汇表

“She’ll only lead you down the primrose path,” (Location 992)

from Way of the Peaceful Warrior

The Primrose Path: the pursuit of pleasure, especially when it is seen to bring disastrous consequences(尤指被认为将带来灾难的)享乐之路

在中世纪原作primerose,系直接借自古法语primerose,而法语形式则源于拉丁语prima rosa,因此含first rose乏意,汉语作“报春花”或“樱草花”。可是primrose并不是一种rose(蔷薇科植物),也不是春天最早开花的植物(first flowers)之一,据认为此花名系讹误使然。

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