When World Drowns
Word Comparison

Word Comparison

In the vast and intricate landscape of the English language, wherein each lexical item occupies a unique position, one occasionally feels the imperative to undertake a comprehensive, albeit somewhat esoteric, exploration of the comparative attributes and characteristics intrinsic to specific words. Such an endeavor, which I might add is not for the faint of heart nor the linguistically uninitiated, is what one might, in less grandiloquent circles, refer to as a ”Word Comparison“. However, in more enlightened and academic echelons, this is often couched in terms such as 'Lexicographic Contrast' or even 'Semantic Parallel Evaluation'. It is, if you will, a deep dive into the semiotic intricacies that underpin our shared linguistic heritage.

Geneated by GPT4 mimic of tongue of Sir Humphrey

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🎴 📝 我们将沿着“投掷”这一古希腊词根的足迹, 探索三个常用英文单词 —— parable 、 symbol 和 problem 的起源。 parable (比喻) 来源于古希腊词 "parabolē"。 Para- : 意为“旁边”或“一旁”。 Ballein…

Crème de la crème

Word Comparison crème de la crème 形容同类中最好的存在 icing on the cake the cherry on top 后两个表达的是锦上添花的存在


late 14 c. , from Gk. etymologia , from etymon "true sense" ( neut. of etymos "true," related to eteos "true") + logos "word…

Frail & Fragile

🎴 单词frail和fragile(易碎的)是一对 同源异形词 ,即终极词源相同,但由于演变路径不同,而形、音、义上有所不同的词。fragile直接来自拉丁词或经法语进入英语,而frail则经古法语进入。 Word Comparison

Intrigue & Intricate

🎴 There is an intriguing link between intrigue and intricate (Late Middle English). Both ultimately derive from Latin intricare ‘to…

Regal & Royal

🎴 拉丁语rex,意为“君王”。历史上以不同途径两次被引入英文:第一次原装进口,从rex直接变为英语Regal;第二次借道法国,先被写为古法语roial,再进入英语写为Royal。 Regal和Royal 同根且同义 ,然而法版Royal…

Sure & Secure

🎴 This is from Old French sur , from Latin securus ‘free from care’. The same Latin word gives us security (Late Middle English), the…

Accord vs. Discord

🎴 Word Comparison “accord” 和 “discord” 都与和谐或一致性有关,但它们的含义是相反的。 accord : 中古英语 (Middle English) : "acorden" 旧法语 (Old French) : "acorder…


🎴 Word Comparison 古希腊人喜欢举行各种比赛,称之为“赛会”( agon ),意思是“很多人聚集到一起进行比赛”,其中的 ag = act…


🎴 via Latin from Greek asulon 'refuge', from asulos 'inviolable', from a- 'without' + sulon 'right of seizure'. Current senses date…


🎴 📝 Word Comparison 古罗马的伊特鲁利亚人有通过观看飞鸟来占卜凶吉的做法。巫师用魔杖(lituus)在天空中画出一个区域(templum),观察鸟在该区域的飞行,通过鸟的飞行来判断吉凶。(lituus怎么看起来有点好吃?) 拉丁语templum…

Candid, Album & Candidate

🎴 Word Comparison 词根cand:发光、白,= white, glow “白”象征纯洁,纯净之人自然坦率真诚,于是有candid;点燃蜡烛,黑暗之中便会升起一团微弱的白色焰火,于是有candle…


🎴 英语单词 capital 来自拉丁语 capitale ,而 capitale 是形容词 capitalis…
